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King Edward VII Stamps for sale

ID# 10390. 1902 £1 Dull Blue-Green Good to fine used with somewhat indistinct double ring cancel and traces of Red Crayon Marks at left. SG. 266. (Photo).

Asking price £160 or nearest offer.


ID# 9190. 1902-13 2/6. 4 shades good to fine used, most with dated postmarks.

Asking price £40 or nearest offer.


ID# 10067. 1902-13. KEVII Basic set ½d-1/- used but in Special Illustrated Folder.

Asking price £20 or nearest offer.


ID# 10215. 1905-11 KEVII 2/6. 2 good used examples.

Asking price £25 or nearest offer.


ID# 10011. 1901-12. KEVII 10/- Ultramarine. Unused part o.g example. Horizontal gum crease, but High Cat. Value.

Asking price £40 or nearest offer.


ID# 9883. 1902 KEVII Purple & Carmine 10d Good used "No cross on crown" variety. SG. 254a.

Asking price £40 or nearest offer.


ID# 9306. 1902-12. KEVII 1/- DLR printing (3), Somerset House (3) good-fine used (No fading green). SG. 257, 257a, 259; 312, 313, 314.

Asking price £25 or nearest offer.


ID# 9191. 1902-13 2/6. 4 shades good to fine used.

Asking price £35 or nearest offer.


ID# 10026. 1902-1912. KEVII 2/6 (2), 5/- (2) Good to fine used. Printings not confirmed, but both 5/- with DLR-period cancels. Also DLR ½d with neat CDS.

Asking price £40 or nearest offer.


ID# 9327. 1911 KEVII 1/- Dark Green & Scarlet, Deep Green & Scarlet. 2 horizontal pairs of each, good used SG. 312-3.

Asking price £25 or nearest offer.


ID# 9195. 1902-10 £1 Dull Blue-Green. Fine Used with Double-Ring GUERNSEY Cancel.

Asking price £170 or nearest offer.


ID# 8696. 1902 £1 dull Blue-green very fine used with light circular Guernsey SP 16 10 cancel. Fine appearance. SG. 266. Cat. £825. (Photo).

Asking price £270 or nearest offer.


ID# 8548. 1902-11 KEVII 2/6. 4 used examples, various printers.

Asking price £32 or nearest offer.


ID# 8347. OFFICIALS. 1903-4 KEVII Admiralty ½d blue-green unmounted mint right corner block of 4. Horizontal crease, some slight foxing, but still a nice block. SG. 107. Cat. £240.

Asking price £24 or nearest offer.


ID# 143. 1902-10 KEVII 2/6 & 5/- both used with hooded London cancels, small tear in side of 2/6, 5/- repaired.

Asking price £20 or nearest offer.

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